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عملائنا - تغيير العالم!

إن عملائنا والمشاركين هم أشخاص ديناميكيون لا يتركون الحياة تمر بهم بالجلوس! [المقصود هنا بالتأكيد.]  لديهم تأثير قوي ويحدثون فرقًا كبيرًا في مجتمعاتهم. إنه لشرف لنا أن نشارك قصصهم معك!

نحن نتطلع إلى مساعدتك في تغيير عالمك! أقرأ عنمهمتنا. لو سمحتشارك موقعك وقصتك معنا

من نخدم

غالبًا ما يستخدم عملاء Inclusive Inc الكراسي المتحركة الكهربائية بينما يكافحون من أجل استخدام الأدوات ذات الأزرار والرافعات والمقابض في عالم مصمم حول البراعة اليدوية. فرص السفر والاتصالات والترفيه والتعليم والتوظيف محدودة للغاية بسبب التعقيد الإضافي لتلبية احتياجاتهم.

أولئك الذين يعانون من الشلل الرباعي أو الشلل الرباعي، والشلل الدماغي، والتصلب المتعدد، وضمور العضلات، ومرض لو جيريج أو التصلب الجانبي الضموري يجدون حلولنا مناسبة بشكل مثالي لاحتياجاتهم. ومع ذلك، فإن حلولنا يمكنها أيضًا تبسيط حياة الأشخاص ذوي القيود الأقل بشكل كبير؛ مثل المصابين بالشلل النصفي، أو أولئك الذين عانوا من سكتة دماغية، أو إصابة في الدماغ، أو السنسنة المشقوقة، أو أي مرض أو إصابة أخرى معيقة.

إدارة المحاربين القدامى

 مينيابوليس | سان دييغو | تامبا، فلوريدا (+50 مواقع أخرى)

عدد قليل من العملاء المميزين

Your support turns challenges into triumphs.

We empower quadriplegic to contribute their talents.

Inclusive Customer Brooke Ellison

Brooke Ellison

Brooke Ellison overcame paralysis at 11, achieving a Harvard degree and a Ph.D. In 2015, she co-created "Hope Deferred," a documentary on stem cell research. Portrayed in "The Brooke Ellison Story" (2004), she ran for the NY State Senate in 2006, advocating for stem cell research. Using our inclusive QuadMouse throughout, her story embodies resilience and success. While her future political plans are uncertain, her inspiring journey continues.

Our Customer Lee Sang-Mook

Lee Sang-Mook

Lee Sang Mook relies on our Comfort Carrier for travel and events, finding it incredibly helpful. Recently, he added another one to his essentials, significantly enhancing his mobility during various activities. This additional carrier is earmarked for deployment in locations where it can make a meaningful impact. Your support plays a vital role in fostering improved mobility and convenience for individuals like Lee Sang Mook.

Inclusive customer Josh Basile

Josh Basile 

Josh embarked on his journey as a quadriplegic using our tools in 2013. Since then, he, a C4-5 quadriplegic and disability advocate, founded a nonprofit following his paralysis in 2004. His impactful contributions include establishing the largest paralysis video mentoring network on SPINALpedia.com. As an active board member of the United Spinal Association, Josh incorporated an Inclusive VoiceIR environmental voice controller into his life in 2013.


What a Few of Our Customers Are Doing in Their Communities

  • Laird Murfey - Blogger La Jolla, California

    Laird is a 8 year old firecracker and blogger at Living Like Laird,with Cerebral Palsy, but he doesn't let his disability define him. His mission is "My mission is to help people understand what it is like living with a disability. Personally, I love being in a wheelchair and having a disability. This is the life I was given and it's an amazing one. I am here to help people living without disabilities understand how similar we are to them and people living with disabilities to realize how capable they are."

  • Matt Keil - Iraq Veteran

    Matt and his lovely wife Tracy are actively involved in the Wounded Warrior Project and other advocacy and support efforts for injured soldiers returning from Iraq and elsewhere.  Matt was shot by a sniper in Iraq on February 24, 2007.  The bullet entered the right side of his neck, which severed his spine, clipped an artery and his left lung before exiting out of the left side of his back. Matt is a ~C4 quadriplegic, however has C5 movement in his left arm!  Matt's CaringBridge webpage.

  • Bill Bussier-Resort Owner -Isla Aguada, Mexico

    Owns and operates Freedom Shores (in Retirment)(Pictured with wife Thelma)Opening This Season!A unique beach accessibleFour-Star Resort & RV Parkin the little fishing village of Isla Aguada, Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.  $105 per night includes complete cares for Quads, ALS, MS, CP, MD, etc.!Mention the "GimpGear Discount" when booking 2 weeks in advance and receive $75 off first week's accommodations!

  • Dr. Dan Gottlieb, Ph.D. - Psychologist - New Jersey

    Dr. Dan is a published author of three books and since 1993 has written a bimonthly column for the Philadelphia Inquirer.  He has been hosting "Voices in the Family" since 1985, an award-winning mental-health call in radio show aired on WHYY 90.9 FM, Philadelphia's local public radio station.  He is a quadriplegic paralyzed from the chest down since 1979.

  • Kevin Sullivan - Business Owner - Minneapolis, MN

    Has operated In Home Personal Care since 1991, a Minnesota "Class A" professional home care agency. He uses the Vocalize Voice Controlled Cell Phone System to stay in touch with employees, clients, and family. He likes that it allows him to safely utilize his cell phone while driving with hand controls, something he hadn't been able to do in more than 20 years of being a quad.

  • Ken Jasch, M.A.Ed, Chicago, Illinois

    With a Masters in Education, lifelong experience with spinal muscular atrophy, as a member of MDA's National Task Force on Public Awareness and Software and Hardware Training Manager, and as an accomplished artist Ken felt inspired and was uniquely equipped to create this informative video for other disabled folks!Artwork by Chicago Artist Accepted by MDA Art Collection 12-16-03


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