These products are exempt from sales taxes (no prescription needed)
Questions Leigh L Ceci Tax Law Specialist 850-717-6363
In addition, the following prosthetic and orthopedic appliances are specifically EXEMPT under Florida law Medical Items List DR-46NT or have been certified by the Department of Health as EXEMPT without a prescription.
Require authorized prescription presented at time of sale to be exempt from sales tax in Florida
Prosthetic or orthopedic appliances dispensed according to an individual prescription written by a licensed practitioner (a physician, osteopathic physician, chiropractic physician, podiatric physician, or dentist duly licensed under Florida law) are EXEMPT
Provide or enhance mobility of physically disabled persons
State of Florida 6% sales tax retail sale, lease or rental of most goods.
Counties impose additional surtaxes of 0% to 1.5%. Florida’s county surtax rates are capped on purchases over $5,000, which is different from other states. For example, if you purchased a motor vehicle with the purchase price of $20,000 in a county with a 1% surtax rate, 7% tax would be due on the first $5,000 of the purchase price and 6% tax would be due on the remaining $15,000 of the purchase price.
Use tax is due on all purchases brought into the state of Florida, unless specifically exempted. Use tax is due at the same rates as sales tax. Returns are to be filed on or before the 20th day of the month following the month in which the purchases were made.
Property Taxes are Exempt for Disabled Persons or Veterans in Florida up to income limit $31,741 in 2022
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