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Vocational Rehabilitation - Your Best Funding Source to empower

Funding for Assistive Technologies to Try Returning to School or Work

Mission: To empower individuals with disabilities to choose, prepare for, obtain and maintain employment.

Purpose - their job is to help you get a job and keep it. At inclusive we prefer to describe this as being economically engaged in one's community.

VR Help May Include:

  • Tuition, equipment and supplies for Technical, Community College, or University level education or degree. You set your own goals. Inclusive can help and VR the assistive technologies or home modifications to live is independently as you are able on or off campus, and to be successful in and outside the classroom.
  • Self-employment or starting your own business. An area Mark Felling, EE, MBA, Inclusive's quadriplegic executive director is particularly passionate about and able to help you achieve as a consultant to Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • Vehicle modifications such as a lowered floor and ramp from BraunAbility, VMI, ATC, Rollex, etc as well as hand controls to be able to drive to and from work independently. Inclusive can assist you two identify the best adapted vehicle and hand control manufacturer for your abilities, disability and most importantly personal preferences. Inclusive provides affordable Wheelchair Accessible Electric LSV's or low speed community vehicles that can be very effective transportation to get to and from work. You can drive from your wheelchair. These vehicles may be more appropriate for some individuals who cannot afford or whom not feel safe driving a full size vehicle at interstate speeds in heavy traffic but still want independence to get around their local communities, by groceries, meet friends for dinner, participate in community events, etc.

What is Vocational Rehabilitation Services?



Understanding Vocational Rehabilitation Services

What can Vocational Rehabilitation provide funding for?

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