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Inclusive Inc

12V 5AH 또는 10AH LIFEPO4 리튬 배터리, 충전기 및 환자 천장 리프트 용 와이어 하네스 키트


Available: Ships from Manufacturers Warehouse, Special Order, or Made to Order

 다른 결제 옵션

우리는 전 세계적으로 배송합니다

국내의: 1-5 일; 국제적인: 7-10 일 *Most * 세금 / 의무 면제

  • 장애인에 의해 설계되었습니다
    장애인을 위해
  • 100% 만족
  • 최저 비용 배송
    카트로 인용

Replaces 12 volt 5 ah and 10 ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) and AGM batteries that need to be Trickle charged and replaced annually with modern, safe Lifepo4 or LFP Battery Technology that lasts for 5-10 years and only needs to be charged once every two weeks!

  • Lifepo4 = LFP = Lithium Iron Phosphate
  • SLA = Sealed Lead Acid
  • AGM = Absorbed Glass Mat Lead Acid

Kit for Patient Ceiling Lifts includes:

  • Choice of Two Matched Batteries: LiFePO4 Lithium or SLA Sealed Lead Acid 
  • 24V DC 2A Battery Charger - matched to batteries: either LiFePO4 or SLA
  • 10' M/F 5.5x2.1 Flat White Extension Cord to route up the wall or across the ceiling 
  • DC Silicone Wire Harness Female Plug Kit 

Direct Replacement fo adapter or whatever

  • Handicare 635045 - 12V 5Ah Battery (Formerly D1250) $109.00 each x2
  • C-Series 24V DC AGM/SLA Battery Charger Only (replaces Handicare 610525)

Battery Charger Specs

  • 28V DC 2A
  • Installer must connect output wire to end stop
  • Replaces OEM 24V DC 1.5A $142 Soniel Model: 2403SRM30
  • Dimensions: 120mm (4.7") x 70mm (2.80") x 41mm (1.6")
  • Weight: 0.8lbs (0.36kg)

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