[message]Inclusive Inc
€112,95 Vendido
Apresentando novo e aprimoradoInterruptor de mordida, com novo material resistente e um melhor sistema de cliques de feedback, o novo interruptor de mordida pode suportar até 1000000 cliques com 3 toneladas de pressão. O aumento da resistência garante o uso diário livre de problemas, sendo altamente responsivo.
Esse interruptor de mordida oferece aos indivíduos com mobilidade severamente limitada a capacidade de interagir com a boca, mordendo o dispositivo para enviar sinais para vários sistemas operacionais e pode ser combinada perfeitamente com o Glassouse V1.3 ou V1.2 ou qualquer tipo de dispositivo adaptado que ofereça 3.5 MM Entrada de tom. Além disso, esse comutador pode ser usado com dispositivos adaptados, como brinquedos, jogos interativos ou software para indivíduos com mobilidade limitada através do plugue do conector Mono 3,5 mm e também trabalha dispositivos que requerem sinais baixos de curto -circuito.
O interruptor é feito de materiais duráveis e apresenta um fio flexível e ajustável que permite que o interruptor seja firmemente colocado em uma posição que seja facilmente acessível pelo usuário e pode ser ajustada de acordo com sua necessidade e é super leve. Com apenas 0,02 lb (7,2 gramas), o interruptor é leve e confortável durante o uso a longo prazo.
O interruptor possui uma peça de capa de silicone à prova de água, com um material não carcinogênico, que protege a fiação interna, o módulo de interruptor e a eletrônica de danos excessivos e saliva, e é fácil de alterar e limpar. A capa é criada a partir de Material impermeável não carcinogênico certificado e possui um certificado ROHS.
1x interruptor de mordida
Tampa de silicone com interruptor de picada de 2x
1x Manual do usuário
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I’ll write something later, I’m still learning to work it efficiently.
This is at least the second of this model. My daughter has a power chair and uses it to get more time to use her iPad.
My son was paralyzed in an atv accident Aug 2020. He is 6'3" and 250. His injury is c6-c7. He feels so free and relaxed in the water but nobody had anything but regular life jackets so we would have to add a pool noodle to support his head and neck and a square flat float to hug in front. We also had a problem because he isn't a small man. Nothing that would allow his arms free so he could get some exercise. This life jacket has helped a lot. There are a few tweaks with the neck and crotch straps. If they weren't tight enough in the crotch area then his head could slip lower even though we had the neck piece as secured as we could. But the crotch straps when tightened too much they would be a little irritating and cause Autonomic Dysreflexia. I think I will try adding a pad of some sort around the straps. That was the only issue other than the cost, but we would pay anything to see that smile on his face! Now we just need to buy a pool for our own backyard so we don't have to go on vacation to swim. Thank You! I would highly recommend this life jacket. From a very happy mom that cried with happiness to see her son in a pool and able to move around.
I use it today for the first time. My son love it!
My husband who had been diagnosed with Bulbar ALS disease for 2 years at the age of 63 had all his symptoms reversed with Ayurveda medicine from naturalherbscentre. com after undergoing their ALS/MND natural protocol, he no longer requires a feeding tube. God Bless all Lou Gehrig’s disease Caregivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughout the day to thank yourself, to love your self, and pray to whatever faith, star, spiritual force you believe in and ask for strength. I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you.
All is ok
I used a comfort carrier @ Disney and lost the case
RoboHandle Ergonomic Tool Handle
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