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  • Quadmouse Bundle

Quadmouse Bundle

Контролер Quadmouse на кріпленні
Quadmouse Joystick Knobs (набір 2)
Версія Quadmouse

The QuadMouse Bundle is an innovative computer access solution designed for individuals with limited hand movement. It features customizable settings to accommodate various needs, allowing users to control a computer with precision using just minimal head or mouth movements. This bundle includes everything you need for easy setup and use, providing enhanced accessibility and independence.

Control with 1/4" movement of Chin, Lips, Tongue, or Finger
No hand, arm, or even head movement needed! Work & play effectively with only slight 1/4" movement of Chin, Lips, or Tongue! Especially for disabled, or handicapped people with no use of their arms. Broadened Horizons offers everything you need for efficient and productive computer accessibility for school, work, and free time! Click, double-click, & right-click the mouse with the built in secondary joystick plus built-in speed adjustment for all skill levels. Type using recommended accessibility software and/or Dragon Naturally Speaking with one of our recommended cord-less microphones. Alternatively click using the included Click Assist software, by voice, or with ability switches such as sip & puff, eyebrow, or buttons, - versatility for your preference!

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