Salesforce for Nonprofits is a robust, cloud-based platform designed to support mission-driven organizations in tracking initiatives.... -
Great place for all kinds of boat parts! Inclusive Adventures Sponsor. We spent all day Saturday there! Thanks Billy!... -
Stock Island Marina provides convenient access to the bright seas of the Keys and a laid-back ambiance, making it the perfect base for short or long vacations...
Wheelchair friendly, though ramp angle may not be ADA compliant. 1/2 mile walk/roll into town. Have courtesy vehicle and restaurant. ... -
水上游艇港 - 安全港
Fuel services, power hookups, Wi-Fi, and a fully equipped ship store are among the conveniences that boaters enjoy... -
Pontchartrain Landing
This Exterior Floating Dock is Wheelchair friendly! 1 mile roll/wal on road without sidewalks to Bus Station. Captain Shaune is super.... -
Nonprofit organizations require strong tools in the current digital environment in order to optimize their effect and streamline operations... -
High-quality welding machines suitable for both professionals and enthusiasts are offered by reputable firm PrimeWeld. TIG, MIG, and plasma cutters ...
Case Study: How Inclusive Inc Increased Their Organic Traffic by 250%
Selling internationally can be a hard nut to crack. Inclusive Inc, people with the strong mission, know it firsthand. Attracting international traffic is the first goal merchants set for themselves when going global, and Inclusive Inc have managed to achieve better results with the help of translated content.... -
At the forefront of modern solvent-based paint production is the Netherlands, home to CMP's cutting-edge facility. Unveiled in May 2017 to mark its centenary, this state-of-the-art paint factory boasts automation at its core, operating within a distinctive 'closed system' that ensures zero loss of solvent vapors.... -
EcomGraduates™ LLC
EcomGraduates™ LLC is proud to announce its sponsorship of Inclusive inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. As a company that values diversity and inclusivity, EcomGraduates™ LLC is excited to support Inclusive inc's mission and initiatives.
Thank you Google for ongoing support through free or granted access to these tools through Google for Nonprofit. Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart, secure business apps like Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Google Meet, so you can focus on what matters....
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Our 志願者 Make it Happen
吉姆·珀勒(Jim Debor)
吉姆(Jim)在2019年進行了心臟移植。它挽救了他的生命並改變了對此的看法。在整個2021年,他早上在臥式的自行車上度過了自己的心臟,以增強自己的心臟,然後在蓬塔·戈爾達(Punta Gorda)的可能性停下來,以幫助組裝我們設計和建造自己的3 15kWh LifePo4電池.................................... -
亞當在佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡(Fort Fort Florida of Covid)加入了卡拉(Karla)和馬克(Mark)的M/V可能性5週。亞當是一個安靜,柔和的口語傢伙,很高興能與他的內心深處,並按照自己的方式生活。他還志願在世界各地無國界的醫生身上志願者........ -
重天氣和重型天氣策略,柴油發動機,水製造商,穩定器系統,發電機,帆修理......... -
埃里克·戴蒙德(Eric Diamond)
埃里克(Eric)是關鍵,必不可少的。他擔任司庫兼董事,船員,護理人員,以及周圍的所有體現。他積極的態度和有趣的個性滲透並影響他周圍的每個人....... -
馬克·埃爾林(Mark E Turing),執行董事