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Project Proposal Requirements

Do you have an idea, proposal, or prototype?
  • Home modifications
  • Accessible, affordable, personal transportation
  • Small business self-employment or telework training and assessment

Design Philosophy and Fundamental Requirements

  • Impactful on Users' Quality of Life and keeps them at home, engaged in their community.
  • For Quadriplegic individuals, their families, Vocational Rehabilitation, Veterans Administration, or Home and Community-Based
    Long-Term Care Waivers
  • KISS Design to make Do-It-Yourself (DIY) installation or deployment possible
  • Sustainable and Maintainable
  • Sponsored projects will provide Open-Source Plans for DIY worldwide, ideally from locally sourced materials
  • Can be offered or made available pre-built
  • May offer a licensed provider program with support for ATPs, dealers, expert installers, contractors, etc

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