FREE Independent Living Assistive Technology Assessments
Did you know... We offer a new service from Broadened Horizons: FREE Independent Living Assistive Technology Assessments. This is for Individuals, AT Professionals, Schools, parents and others looking for the latest information on Assistive Technology solutions, Broadened Horizons, Inc. is here to help. Assessing an individual's assistive technology needs makes it far more likely to identify AT devices and services which will improve their functional capabilities.
A poor match between technology and user more often than not leads to abandonment of the technology, and thus loss of the desired outcome. Whether the solutions are available through Broadened Horizons, or any other provider of Asssistive Technology, we offer thorough advice and referrals for the best result.
Click here for your FREE assessment: https://www.broadened.org/collectio…/services-1/…/assessment
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