Smartnav Sold Out?! Check out our QuadMouse, a great alternative to the SmartNav AT Head Tracking Mouse!
You may have noticed that we have SOLD OUT of all of our SmartNav AT Head Tracking Mouse and that this product has been discontinued by the manufacturer, Natural Point. After selling our last one over the weekend, it made me realize that a lot of you may not know what we have an amazing alternative for you, our QuadMouse!
With the QuadMouse... No hand, arm, or even head movement needed! Work & play effectively with only slight 1/4" movement of Chin, Lips, or Tongue! Especially for disabled, or handicapped people with no use of their arms. Broadened Horizons offers everything you need for efficient and productive computer accessibility for school, work, and free time!
This is not only a great alternative to the head tracking mouse, but the perfect Holiday gift idea! Grab yours now while they are still in stock/before the rush begins!
Order now at: https://inclusivetechnologies.org/products/quadmouse-controller
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