[message]We ship as quickly as possible! हम सारे विष्व मे पहुंचाते है।
Inclusive Inc works very hard to ensure complete customer satisfaction around the globe. If you have a problem with any product delivered or service rendered, please संपर्क करें and we will do our best to resolve it.
Inclusive Inc ships WORLDWIDE directly from our warehouse in Benzonia, Michigan throughout the United States including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and most international destinations including Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, all member states of the European Union, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and most other Asian countries. Only exceptions would be locations not serviced by FedEx, DHL, or UPS such as in time of war.
Unless otherwise requested, Inclusive Inc utilizes UPS for most packages, and USPS Priority or First Class Mail for smaller packages.
Our website will provide a shipping quote based on your destination postal code. Please, be aware shipping weights are estimated. We may have to charge additional shipping if you are significantly undercharged.
Some items are marked with FREE Continental US shipping. Shipping costs to other destinations will be as calculated but discounted.
LTL Truck Freight must be quoted but is typically between $250 and $450
All shipments are FOB. FOB origin means "Freight on Board origin" or that possession transfers from shipper to the buyer when the package is accepted by the shipping service provider. FOB origin indicates the buyer pays shipping costs and takes responsibility for the goods. Thus, if a shipping service provider damages your package their responsibility is to the buyer, not the shipper.
Internationally,almost all of Broadened Horizons products are exempt from tax including VAT, GST, HST in most countries under customs harmonization code 9817.00.96 "Articles specially designed or adapted for the use or benefit of the blind or physically handicapped persons"। However, we have no influence on your country's customs officials if they decide a product does not qualify under HS Code 9817.0 0.96. ग्राहकis responsible for any import duties or taxes imposed by your country. यदि आपसे इस तरह की फीस दी जाती है, तो संभावित छूट की स्थिति के बारे में पूछें क्योंकि आप धनवापसी के लिए अर्हता प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
UPS Ground Shipping Times
International Shipments USPS shipments are transferred to customs in your local country and into your local postal system. Delivery Confirmation information is limited to when the shipment is sent, received into customs, and usually though not always delivered. Very rarely are shipments damaged or go missing, but if you lack confidence in your nation's postal system, be sure to specify an insured and trackable shipping methods such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL though these providers typically are about double the cost. |
पारगमन समय
माल लादने की विधि
EST। Cost / Item
4-6 Days
3-5 Days
USPS Priority Mail (Insurance not available)
USPS Global Express
$18 - $55
$35 - $75
UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Central & South America, Caribbean, & most other countries
6-10 Days
USPS Priority Mail (Insurance not available)
$24 - $75
3-5 Days
USPS Global Express
$39 - $99
Transit times are estimates since shipments are sometimes delayed during processing in customs, though this is usually not for more than a few days.
International customers can save significantly on international shipping by consolidating shipments. We cannot recommend one over another.
Bongo International provides clients with their own US address. You will be able to make purchases with us as well as other US-based online retailers. Bongo receives your purchases and logs them into their online system which you can use to view your items and consolidate them with multiple orders.
ग्राहकों के लिए विशेष रूप से उपलब्ध घटनाओं, नए उत्पादों और अपडेट, और प्रचार के बारे में सूचित रहें। हम कभी स्पैम नहीं करते।
आपकी गाड़ी वर्तमान में खाली है
आपकी इच्छासूची इस समय खाली है
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