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Every task requires someone to take responsibility, roll up their
sleeves, and make it happen. These are the do'ers to whom impossible is
only a bit difficult. Profiles of Inclusives' Volunteers, who they are & how they helped amplify our impact.

We want to tell your story! Please share in the chat or email why you decided to become a volunteer, any photos of yourself when you volunteered with us. Or share why you are considering becoming a volunteer? How have we inspired you? What could we do so you could become more involved now?

  • Jim Debor


    ジムは2019年に心臓移植を受けました。それは彼の命を救い、それに対する彼の視点を変えました。 2021年を通して、彼は午前中にリカンベントバイクに費やして心を強め、プンタゴルダの可能性に立ち寄って、私たちが設計および構築した35kWhのLifePO4バッテリーを組み立てるのに役立ちます.............
  • Adam Hill


    Adamは、Covidの間にFort Lauderdale Floridaで5週間、KarlaとMarkにM/Vの可能性に加わりました。アダムは静かで柔らかい話された男であり、大きな心を持っていて、彼の言葉で生活しているのは楽しい人です。彼はまた、世界中の国境のない船のない医師でボランティアをしています........
  • Captain Peter Puky


  • Eric Diamond


    エリックは鍵で不可欠です。彼は会計係およびディレクター、乗組員、ケアギバーを務め、周りのすべての具体的な具体的な「Get'er done」を具体化しています。彼の前向きな姿勢と楽しい性格は、彼の周りのすべての人に浸透し、影響を与えます.......
  • Mark E Felling, Executive Director

    Mark E Felling, Executive Director


We want to tell your story!

Please share why you decided to become a volunteer. How have we inspired you? PLEASE share ideas or requests for Social Media, News Releases, Speaking at your Event, and what we could do or you would like to see us do so you could become more involved?

Please use Chat in bottom right corner to Contact Us!

Our スポンサー make it Possible

Profiles of Inclusives' Sponsors, Donors, & Volunteers. Who they are & how supported our ability to impact.

Past and future supporters PLEASE share your story. Why did you decide to become a supporter?b How have we inspired you? What would you like to see us do so you could become more involved?

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