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Broadened Horizons

mpowr 낚시



오직, 1 안건 재고가 있습니다!

 다른 결제 옵션

더 구매하고 최대 30%를 절약하십시오.

우리는 전 세계적으로 배송합니다

국내의: 1-5 일; 국제적인: 7-10 일 *Most * 세금 / 의무 면제

  • 장애인에 의해 설계되었습니다
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  • 100% 만족
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This 3rd Generation Accessible Motorized Fishing Bundle by Broadened Horizons has you Ready-to-Fish out of the Box with Variable-Speed Electric Reel pre-spooled with line, Ability-Switch Enabled Controls, Lifepo4 Lithium Battery & Charger, Graphite Rod, & Tackle Kit

  • Perfect for one-handed fishermen from amputation, stroke, or brachial plexus injuries
  • Reversible for Left hand or Right-hand
  • Perfect for wheelchair users of ALL Abilities by adding optional ability switches and wheelchair rod holders
  • Crank in fish up to 10 lbs without moving the rod. Land fish up to 30 lbs if you play them with the rod. 

Bundle Includes

  • Choice of MPowR Electric Open-faced or Close-faced Fishing Reels
    • Open-face reel is the preference of skilled fishermen. Purpose-built direct-drive (not a add-on) for high torque and reliability. Cranks in fish up to 10 pounds without moving rod.
    • Closed-face reel features simplicity of push-button release. High-torque motor with custom machined direct-drive bolted to quality reel can crank in fish up to 5 pounds without moving the rod.
  • New 3rd Generation contoured Roughneck Pushbutton Controller accepts any ability switch with standard 1/8" (3.5mm) jack. 
    • Ultra-durable and reliable. Water-resistant
    • Can be moved to the left or right side of the rod with simple velcro wrap
  • MpowR High-Torque PWM Speed Controller
    • Adjust the speed of the reel without losing torque
    • Compact enough to mount under 3rd Generation Roughneck Pushbutton Controller to spin knob with a finger while holding rod one-handed
  • MpowR Medium-action Graphite Rod
  • LifePo4 Battery & Charger - 14V 3.3ah 
    • Safe & Reliable latest LFP chemistry will never explode or ignight
    • Enough power to fish all weekend without recharging
    • Optional 1-2 hour Solar Charger for even the most remote locations 
  • MpowR Battery Hip Pouch can also be hung on the side or back of the wheelchair
  • 6' Extension Wire - provides freedom of movement with battery in hip pouch or hanging on wheelchair armrest
  • Two Spools - so you can switch between different test line or have a backup ready to slide onto your reel (Open Face Reel Only)
  • Pre-spooled 10lb Test Monofilament Line so you are ready to fish out of the box
  • Comprehensive Starter Tackle Kit to start fishing immediately

Battery Capacity: While more than 300 fish have been landed on a single battery charge over 3 days without the battery going dead, and 250 walleye from a depth of 20 feet in a high-producing Canadian Lake over the course of 2.5 days, you never want to be caught having forgotten to charge up your battery, or your battery was accidentally dropped in the water when launching... Consider an Extra Battery for tournaments, backwoods trips with more than two days of extended fishing, etc.

Add-on Accessibility for Wheelchair Users

For Wheelchair User with some arm movement but limited dexterity
C5/C6/C7 Quadriplegic, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, or severe arthritis

  • To activate with closed hand on wheelchair armrest add Roughneck Single Pushbutton Ability Switch
  • To activate with mouth by blowing or biting or foot add Puff, Bite, or Squeeze Hands-Free Switch
  • So user can release the bail independently add Fish Fighting Adjustable Rod Holder for Wheelchair Seat Base 
  • So user can release the bail and fight a fish and help setting the hook independently add Fish Fighting Spring Action Rod Holder for Wheelchair Seat Base

For Wheelchair User with no arm movement
ALS & Muscular Dystrophy, SMA, or Advanced Multiple Sclerosis

  • To activate with mouth by blowing or biting or with foot add Puff, Bite, or Squeeze Switch
  • To hold the rod in front of the user between their knees where it's easy to see (nonadjustable) add Wheelchair Seat Base Rod Holder
  • To provide assistance setting the hook or so assistant can help fight the fish without taking Rod out of rod holder Upgrade to Fish Fighting Spring Action Rod Holder for Wheelchair Seat Base for help to set the hook

Ships in 2 boxes

  • Fishing Reel & Controls  21"x9"x5"  7.8 lb
  • Fishing Rod Tube 44"X2"  15.2 oz

Charge overnight. Disconnect in morning. Will fully recharge in 1.5-3 hours. NEVER leave connected to charger in storage. To extend battery life, after a day of fishing, do not recharge until the night before your next day of fishing. Store over winter at ~40%-60% charge.

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