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Ditado em PCs

Nuance Dragon Professional is leader for more than 20 years.  Installed in Windows and Mac. 

Knowbrainer - very well regarded Advanced add-ons to Dragon for disabled power users.  Says it solves Dragon's issue of needing to use dictation box in many places.

As a native English speaker with a clear enunciated voice, the cloud-based voice recognition models work very very well for me.   In Windows 10 I pay $8/mo for Voicetyper.  Biggest Advantage I can type in any space by simply starting to talk, like I used to be able to do with Dragon in Windows 10.  works best to use a keyboard key to start the microphone listening and stop.

These are my favorite high-performance but budget-friendly microphones I've used over 20 years as a quad. I've also used some very expensive microphones but rarely noticed any significant improvement over these.   - Mark Felling


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