Quad Life
Навіщо вам потрібен особистий план аварійної евакуації для людей з обмеженими можливостями
A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan—also known as PEEP—is vital for keeping people safe in an emergency situation. And it’s even more important to have plans in place for disabled people, particularly those who require additional support in an evacuation situation.... -
Евакуація людей з інвалідністю
Закон про Ада - американці з обмеженими можливостями також застосовується до надзвичайної евакуації
У травні 2011 року було запроваджено нове федеральне та державне законодавство австралійського федерального та штату для поліпшення доступу до будівель для людей з інвалідністю. Нові положення про доступу спеціально не розглядали положення про випуск або евакуацію для людей з обмеженими можливостями, але все ще існують законні [та моральні] зобов'язання, які необхідно виконати.
Люди з обмеженими можливостями евакуюють з великих будівель
During a fire and when there is smoke around people open the stairways doors to exit the building and in some cases keep it open while a group of people exit, this can allow smoke to be drawn into the stairway and upwards and can be increased If there is a fire and smoke on many floors, resulting in a lot of smoke drawn in to the stairway...
Як соціальні орендодавці не підготують плани аварійних евакуації для мешканців -інвалідів
Майже через два роки після того, як розслідування Grenfell рекомендував особисті плани евакуації (PEEPS) для мешканців -інвалідів у високих підйомах, більшість рад досі не надають їх. Пітер додатки дивиться на те, що слід зробити. -
Як би ви почувались, якби ви залишилися позаду в надзвичайних ситуаціях?
The BCA includes performance requirements for people with a specific reference to the ‘number, mobility and other characteristics of occupants’ when developing fire engineered solutions, but how can engineers obtain such demographic data to determine the occupant profile.. -
Що стосується виживання будівельного пожежі, деякі люди рівніші за інші: професор Галея відповідає лорду Грінхалгу
The first phase of the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry recommended that Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for those unable to self-evacuate should be mandated for high-rise residential buildings... -
Право інвалідів врятуватися від вогню - у 2017 році у Великобританії загинуло 72 людини
In support of disabled people’s right to escape their flat in a fire, and in the fight for justice for those who died in Grenfell Tower, please help us hold the Government to account so that it takes fire safety seriously for everyone... -
Навіщо вам потрібен особистий план аварійної евакуації для людей з обмеженими можливостями
A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan—also known as PEEP—is vital for keeping people safe in an emergency situation. And it’s even more important to have plans in place for disabled people, particularly those who require additional support in an evacuation situation...
Мати обурена планом евакуації школи для учня -інвалідів
Обурена мати розпочала рух, щоб отримати дитину -інваліда новий план евакуації. Той, що надається школою, заявляє, що у випадку надзвичайних ситуацій 14-річна Кассіді Скотт повинна бути винесена на сходну клітку, де вона чекатиме перших реагуючих. -
Травма спинного мозку: перспектива дружини
Два роки тому я одружився з чоловіком з найкрасивішими блакитними очима, які я міг знайти. Він розумний. Він смішний. Він солодкий. Він гарний. І він мене отримує. Він робить все це, з інвалідного візка.
Що світ помиляється з моїм чотириквадричним чоловіком і мною
“How do you bear it? That must be devastating,” a colleague said, pausing over his chicken salad sandwich. I’d mentioned that my husband was a quadriplegic—always a risky choice. That is, if I want lunch to be short... -
Важливі поради щодо успіху еякуляції у чоловіків з травмою спинного мозку
Я використовую PVS (вібраційна стимуляція пеніса) для еякуляції більше 16 років. Рефлекторна арка може вичерпатися, якщо ми стимулюємо вібрацією високої амплітуди більше 1-2 разів кожні 7-10 днів або більше, ніж 3-5 хвилин, не спочиваючи між кожною спробою.
Providers of Wheelchair Travel Adventures
Wheelchair Accessible Miami Attractions and Beaches
Among Miami's most well-known attractions are its beaches, many of which are getting easier for wheelchair users to reach. Nearly everywhere you go in Greater Miami & Miami Beach, a gorgeous stretch of sand.... -
Wheelchair Accessible Trails
I have found this list of wheelchair accessible trails. The challenge is finding all of this information in one spot and seeing it on a map in a graphical way in the places you might want to visit. This is why we developed our Google map of travel destinations, service providers, and unique stays specifically of interest to wheelchair users.... -
Shake-a-Leg Miami
Shake-a-Leg Miami is a charity organization based in Coconut Grove, Florida, that uses water activities to empower and liberate at-risk adolescents and people with disabilities. Shake-a-Leg Miami has been giving people of all abilities the chance to enjoy sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and other activities since 1990. ... -
Капітан Чартерного човна Орегона Капітан використовує море як своє порятунок після паралізації аварії
Після того, як аварія на мотоциклі залишила Тайлера Тернера паралізованим, він старанно працював над тим, щоб здійснити свою мрію бути капітаном корабля -
Регіон Chesapeake доступне катання на човнах відкриває свій новий адаптивний центр катання на човнах
On the waterfront, the organization has built 8-foot-wide docks to make it possible for two wheelchairs to pass each other easily. All boats are docked beam-to, and the 325 linear feet of dock are elevated to make it possible for guests to board via a downward sloping ramp.. -
Доступні заходи в Національному парку Еверглейдс
Everglades National Park, the largest subtropical wetland ecosystem in North America, offers amazing outdoor adventures within an hour’s drive of Downtown Miami. It’s largely a wilderness, but it offers accessible facilities, services and programs to ensure that everyone can experience its wonders... -
Доступні пригоди в Національному парку Біскайн
The park’s Dante Fascell Visitor Center in Homestead is fully accessible and has both ramp and elevator access. The visitor center’s theater has wheelchair seating and can provide headphones for audio enhancement. Visitor center exhibits are in English and Spanish, and closed-captioned audiovisual programs are offered in both languages...
Wheelchair Adventure Vehicles
Magic Carpet our stable, electric Power Wheelchair Dinghy-Barge sponsored by EZ-Dock
For wheelchair users who enjoy the water, the Magic Carpet is a ground-breaking electric-powered alternative to a dinghy or barge. Sponsored by EZ-Dock, this stable, user-friendly boat offers a fresh degree of independence... -
M/V Possibilities II - 75' Darling Custom Wheelchair Liveaboard Motor Yacht by Inclusive Adventures
Not your average yacht, M/V Possibilities II is built to be a home away from home. It offers an entirely barrier-free atmosphere, which makes it the ideal vessel for wheelchair users. Wide passageways.... -
M/V Possibilities - 65' Pluckebaum Wheelchair Liveaboard Motor Yacht for America's Great Loop by Inclusive Adventures
May include turnkey business professionally organized to limit liability while providing the greatest operational flexibility. She can provide her guardian a comfortable, mobile residence, consistent revenue.. -
The Pilar Legend: Hemingway's Familiar Boat
The adventurous lives of Pilar and Hemingway serves as an inspiration for Wheelchair Adventure Vehicles. We think that regardless of physical ability, everyone should have the opportunity to explore. Our goal is to enable everyone to experience adventure by offering gear and vehicles... -
The Dazcat Power 15 Desiderata - A Modern Marvel
The Desiderata's two engines provide remarkable performance, which makes it perfect for both fast-paced expeditions and relaxed voyages. Because to its lightweight composite construction, which guarantees maximum fuel efficiency, it can travel farther without sacrificing speed... -
The Wheelchair-Accessible Yacht, Dazcat 1295X
The Dazcat 1295XL is meticulously designed with accessibility in mind. Wheelchair users can go about freely and safely thanks to the level, broad deck. Wheelchairs may pass through doors and pathways with sufficient width, making the entire yacht wheelchair accessible... -
5 Best Self-Adjusting Anchor Buoys
Fitted with 2 fully watertight chambers housing electronic and mechanical parts, which prevents possible malfunctions due to the marine environment. Extremely lightweight and compact, it has a 200-mm diameter and weighs as little as 1.2 to 1.5 kg..... -
Pretty Lady formerly Ed's Toy- 81' Hargrave
An 81-foot Hargrave yacht known as the Pretty Lady has won over a lot of boating aficionados. Originally constructed as Ed's Toy, this vessel was designed by the renowned Hargrave Custom Yachts, a brand known for its excellence and creativity. This stunning yacht has changed over the years..
Exceptional Quadriplegics
Dinesh Palipana
2010 saw a significant transformation in Dinesh's life. Due to severe spinal cord damage he had in an automobile accident, he was left quadriplegic. Dinesh encountered several difficulties as a result of this abrupt transition, but his passion and resolve never wavered...
Teddy Pendergrass
Pendergrass faced several challenges following his accident, but he didn't let them deter him. He made advantage of his background to bring attention to the issues faced by those who suffer from spinal cord injuries and impairments. His lobbying efforts enhanced accessibility and provided assistance to individuals facing comparable circumstances...
Craig Hart Neilsen
Craig H. Neilsen passed away in 2006, yet his legacy lives on and inspires others. The field of spinal cord injury advocacy and research has revolutionized because to funding provided by his foundation totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Neilsen has enabled many people to live richer, more independent lives via his work... -
Brooke Ellison - Author, Professor, Disability Rights Advocate
One of the first quadriplegic Harvard graduates, she became an author, professor and powerful voice for disabled people
Pat Rummerfield
Due to his involvement in a high-speed car accident in 1974, Pat Rummerfield's life took an abrupt change. Due to the accident, he was diagnosed as a C-4 quadriplegic, which is characterized by significant spinal cord injury and usually leads in permanent paralysis along the neck.. -
Christopher Reeve
In 1995, Reeve’s life took a dramatic turn when he was paralyzed from the neck down after a horse-riding accident. Despite this setback, he became a leading advocate for spinal cord injury research and disability rights. Reeve worked tirelessly to raise awareness and fund research... -
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking, born on the eighth of January 1942, in the British city of Oxford, has become one of the world's most recognized physicists. At 21, he developed with an illness that would eventually disable him. Despite this, he continued his work in understanding the universe... -
Mark Felling: Pioneer, Supporter, and Superb Leader
Because of Mark's engineering expertise, a number of assistive devices that empower people with impairments have been developed. Mark has produced items through his business, Inclusive Inc., that have completely changed the way individuals with impairments interact with the outside world...
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