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Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking


Stephen Hawking, born on the eighth of January 1942, in the British city of Oxford, has become one of the world's most recognized physicists. At 21, he developed with an illness that would eventually disable him. Despite this, he continued his work in understanding the universe.

Another book he wrote, A Brief History of Time, offered concise explanations for complex scientific ideas. Up until his passing in 2018, Hawking encouraged and instructed people despite his physical limitations.

This changed how scientists view black holes.

A Brief History of Time, another book he authored, provided clear explanations for difficult scientific concepts. Despite his physical limitations, Hawking inspired and taught others until his death in 2018.

As Stephen Hawking's life demonstrates, if we have a strong will and a drive to learn, we can overcome any challenge.

People around are still motivated by his life and efforts.


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