Salesforce para organizações sem fins lucrativos
Salesforce for Nonprofits is a robust, cloud-based platform designed to support mission-driven organizations in tracking initiatives.... -
Don's Marine Exceds and Salvage
Great place for all kinds of boat parts! Inclusive Adventures Sponsor. We spent all day Saturday there! Thanks Billy!... -
Key West Harbor
Stock Island Marina provides convenient access to the bright seas of the Keys and a laid-back ambiance, making it the perfect base for short or long vacations...
Resort Green Turtle Bay
Wheelchair friendly, though ramp angle may not be ADA compliant. 1/2 mile walk/roll into town. Have courtesy vehicle and restaurant. ... -
Aqua Yacht Harbor - porto seguro
Fuel services, power hookups, Wi-Fi, and a fully equipped ship store are among the conveniences that boaters enjoy... -
Pontchartrain Landing
This Exterior Floating Dock is Wheelchair friendly! 1 mile roll/wal on road without sidewalks to Bus Station. Captain Shaune is super.... -
Microsoft para organizações sem fins lucrativos
Nonprofit organizations require strong tools in the current digital environment in order to optimize their effect and streamline operations... -
High-quality welding machines suitable for both professionals and enthusiasts are offered by reputable firm PrimeWeld. TIG, MIG, and plasma cutters ...
Case Study: How Inclusive Inc Increased Their Organic Traffic by 250%
Selling internationally can be a hard nut to crack. Inclusive Inc, people with the strong mission, know it firsthand. Attracting international traffic is the first goal merchants set for themselves when going global, and Inclusive Inc have managed to achieve better results with the help of translated content.... -
At the forefront of modern solvent-based paint production is the Netherlands, home to CMP's cutting-edge facility. Unveiled in May 2017 to mark its centenary, this state-of-the-art paint factory boasts automation at its core, operating within a distinctive 'closed system' that ensures zero loss of solvent vapors.... -
EcomGraduates™ LLC
EcomGraduates™ LLC is proud to announce its sponsorship of Inclusive inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. As a company that values diversity and inclusivity, EcomGraduates™ LLC is excited to support Inclusive inc's mission and initiatives.
Google para organizações sem fins lucrativos
Thank you Google for ongoing support through free or granted access to these tools through Google for Nonprofit. Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart, secure business apps like Gmail, Docs, Calendar, Drive, and Google Meet, so you can focus on what matters....
Sponsors: We want to tell your story!
Please complete the form. Please share why you decided to become a supporter? How have we inspired you? PLEASE share ideas or requests for Social Media, News Releases, Speaking at your Event, and what we could do or you would like to see us do so you could become more involved?
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Our Voluntários Make it Happen
Jim Debor
Jim teve um transplante de coração em 2019. Isso salvou sua vida e mudou sua perspectiva sobre ela. Ao longo de 2021, ele passou a manhã em sua bicicleta reclinada para fortalecer seu coração e depois parar por possibilidades em Punta Gorda para ajudar a fazer montar as 3 baterias de 15kwh LifePo4 que projetamos e construímos ............. -
Adam Hill
Adam ingressou em Karla e Mark em possibilidades de M/V por 5 semanas em Fort Lauderdale Florida durante o Covid. Adam é um cara tranquilo e de fala mansa que é agradável de ter por perto com um grande coração e vive a vida em seus termos. Ele também é voluntário em médicos sem navios de fronteira em todo o mundo ........ -
Capitão Peter Puky
Experiente e especialista em: mapeamento, navegação, planejamento de passagem, pilotagem, vigia de vigília,Revista para vela, recife, spinnakers, calhas, foredeck, ancoragem, propostas,
Estratégias climáticas pesadas e pesadas, motor a diesel, fabricantes de água, sistemas estabilizadores, geradores, reparo de vela .......... -
Eric Diamond
Eric é uma chave e indispensável. Ele atua como tesoureiro e diretor, tripulação, cuidador e incorpora "que se faça". Sua atitude positiva e personalidade divertida permeiam e influenciam todos ao seu redor ....... -
Mark E Felling, diretor executivo
Embora estejamos apenas nos primeiros anos, à medida que embarcamos neste século XXI, a humanidade está à beira do período mais transformador de sua história. Este é um momento em que os limites de nossa imaginação são o único impedimento ao nosso potencial Avanço como sociedade .....