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These vehicles were specifically designed for an Owner who uses a Wheelchair.

We want to add Profiles and Interviews with their inspiring Designers, Yacht Captains, Pilots, Race Car Drivers, and Owners - many Wheelchair users themselves. Please Contact us with suggestions.

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We want to Share Your Story!

PLEASE share ideas or Social Media, News Releases, Speaking at your Event, and what we could do or you would like to see us do so you could become more involved?

Please use Chat in bottom right corner to Contact Us!

Providers of Wheelchair Travel Adventures

Profiles of Partners and Organizations mapped above providing Adventurous Wheelchair Accessible Experiences, Travel Destinations, & Unique Stays. Marine = sail, power, paddling, scuba, snorkeling, or fishing. Aviation = flying, powered paragliding, skydiving. Unique Stays must offer more than a bed and shower.

Google Search Link List of Providers of Wheelchair Travel Adventures - to be added - Please Add Suggestions!

Use form at bottom to add a profile of a Provider, Destination, or Unique Stay to the Map. Sponsor a detailed Profile page and support this program.

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Add discoveries to your Wishlist. Share your wishlist with us to discuss or request a quote, with yourself, a therapist or case worker, or with family, or help someone you know who an item might benefit.