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Alexa for Seniors: 21 Extremely Practical Ways Older Adults Can Use Amazon Echo Devices

Alexa for Seniors: 21 Extremely Practical Ways Older Adults Can Use Amazon Echo Devices


Reposted fromThe Helping Home 09-07-18

Amazon Echo device with Alexa for seniors against blue background

We live in an exciting time when technology can play a huge role in helping us age well. In particular, Amazon Echo devices are very well-suited to make life easier for older adults. Here are 21 incredibly practical tips on how to leverage the power of Amazon Alexa for seniors.

1. Quickly Check the Weather

Clear blue sky with clouds

Immediately get an update on the weather without having to wait for it to show on the weather channel or checking it online.

Kysy vain, “Alexa, what’s the weather?” for the current weather and “Alexa, what is the forecast for tomorrow?” to find out what the weather will be in the future. When it comes to asking for a future forecast, you can use ask for any day, date, or time.

Bonus Tip: Want more detailed weather information? Enable the Big Sky skill on your Alexa account and you can request very specific Saleson. Aloittaa jllak “Alexa, ask Big Sky…” and then give any kind of command:

  • “…what the UV index will be tomorrow at noon.”
  • “…for the current humidity.”
  • “…if it will rain on Wednesday before 6pm.”
  • “…when is tomorrow’s sunrise.”
  • jne.

2. Keep Track of Lists

Woman writing list of tasks to do, close-up of hand

Stop trying to manage hand-written lists that can be misplaced and let your Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Show take care of your lists for you. Start by saying, “Alexa, create a list.”Alexa will then ask you to name the list.

Create as many lists as you’d like:

  • To-do lists
  • Shopping lists
  • Holiday gift lists
  • Vacation packing lists
  • jne.

To add something to a list, say the following: “Alexa, add an item to my holiday gift list”and then say what you’d like to be added. To remove something from a list, just follow the same steps but say “remove” instead of “add.”

When you want to know what’s currently on a list, simply ask “Alexa, what’s on my holiday gift list?”Your Echo will announce the list aloud and your Echo Show will display it for you to see.

Note: in the examples above you’ll need to replace “holiday gift list” with the name of your own list.

3. Get the Date and Time Fast

Retro alarm clock on wooden table

You no longer need to strain your eyes to read the calendar hanging on the wall or walk over to the kitchen to get the time off the microwave.

Quickly get the date and time by saying “Alexa, what is the today’s date?” ja “Alexa, what time is it?”

4. Easily Manage Your Calendar

Calendar on a green background

With as busy as life can get, it can be difficult to keep track of all your plans. Give your Amazon Echo and Echo Show the responsibility of managing your calendar so you can stay on top of doctor appointments, outings with friends, grandkids coming to visit, birthdays, and all the rest of life’s events.

Putting plans up on your calendar is simple; sanoa, “Alexa, add an event to my calendar” and give the name of the event along with the date and time when prompted.

If you use an Echo, then you can ask, “Alexa, what’s on my calendar?” to hear your upcoming schedule. If you use an Echo Show, then you can ask, “Alexa, show me my calendar” to see your schedule.

Bonus Tip:There are more ways to control you calendar events with Alexa:

  • To delete an event you can say, “Alexa, delete my doctor appointment from my calendar.”
  • Reschedule an event by saing, “Alexa, move my doctor appointment from Thursday at 12:30pm to Friday at 10:15am.”
  • To invite someone to an event you can say, “Alexa, invite Jane to brunch on Sunday.”

5. Set Medication Reminders

Assorted pills next to blue plastic pill weekly organizer on white tablecloth

Setting reminders is one of Alexa’s simplest features, but it may also be one of its most powerful. Using Alexa to set medication reminders can be extremely helpful for taking your medications on the right days and at the right times, which goes a long way towards healthy aging.

All you need to say is “Alexa, remind me to take my medications every day at 9am.”

If you have multiple medications that need to be taken at different times, then you can set reminders for each particular medication.

Bonus Tip:You can also set reminders for other things, too:

  • “Alexa, remind me to feed the dog at 7pm every day.”
  • “Hey Alexa, remind me to water the houseplants every Wednesday at 8am.”
  • “Alexa, remind me to start the laundry tomorrow at 2pm.”

Need a reminder of your reminders? Ei ongelmaa! Sano vain, “Alexa, what are my reminders?” Your Echo will announce them out loud and your Echo Show will display them on the screen.

6. Sharpen Your Mind with Trivia Games

The word 'trivia' spelled with different colored letters against a white background with black speckles

Alexa is great for playing fun trivia games that offer your mind an entertaining challenge. Brain teasers can help keep your mind quick and even delay the cognitive effects of aging.

Games like Question of the Day and Jeopardy! are very popular (and free!). There are also several other trivia and puzzle games that you can find in the Alexa skills database.

7. Listen to Audio Books

Amazon Kindle with list of books showing on the screen

If you have a subscription to Audible, you can have Alexa play your Audible books for you. Sano vain, “Alexa, play the Audible book ‘Moby Dick'” and that’s it!

Alexa can even read books from your Kindle. Sanoa, “Alexa, play the Kindle book ‘The Odyssey'” and Alexa will read the book for free.

Bonus Tip:There are several additional commands that give you more control over Alexa as she reads:

  • “Alexa, pause” ja “Alexa, resume.”
  • Jump through the chapters of a book by saying “Alexa, next chapter,” “Alexa, previous chapter,” “Alexa, go to chapter number 3,” ja “Alexa, go to the last chapter.”
  • If you missed something just say “Alexa, go back” to rewind the book to the last paragraph. You can also say “Alexa, go forward” to skip ahead to the next paragraph.

8. Play Music

Amazon Echo Show playing songs by The Beatles

In the mood for some music? If you have an Amazon music subscription you can have Alexa play music for you on your Echo device.

You can ask Alexa to play specific artists, albums, songs, genres, and stations. For example, say “Alexa, play The Beatles” tai “Alexa, play the Blues.”

9. Hear the Latest News

Rolled newspaper with the headline Breaking news

Keep abreast of the latest breaking news without having to sit through filler content on cable news channels or sifting through stories online.

All you need to do is ask “Alexa, what’s the news?” and you’ll hear a briefing of the most recent news headlines.

Bonus Tip:Voit mukauttaa uutislähteesi ja luoda oman "salaman tiedotuksen", jonka Alexa antaa sinulle. Sinun täytyy Pääset Alexa -tiliisi täälläja noudata alla olevia vaiheita:

  1. Kirjaudu Amazon Alexa -tiliisi
  2. Klikkaa "Asetukset" Painike vasemmassa sivupalkin valikossa
  3. Klikkaa "Flash -tiedotus" Painike alla "Alexa -asetukset" osasto
  4. Valita "Hanki lisää salama -ohjelmaa" sivun yläosassa
  5. Valitse sitten uutislähde (t), jotka haluat lisätä Flash -tiedotukseen ja napsauta "Ota käyttöön"
  6. Kun olet luonut oman flash -tiedotuksen, sano "Alexa, mikä on salaman tiedotukseni?"Kuulemaan uutisia valitsemastasi lähteistä.

10. Pysy kunnossa ja liikunta

Woman practicing yoga on a mat at home

Tarvitsetko vähän ylimääräistä motivaatiota olla aktiivinen ja pysyä terveenä? Olkoon Alexa henkilökohtainen valmentajasi!

Lisää taitoja, kuten 7 minuutin harjoittelu ja harjoita harjoittelua päivittäisten liikuntarutiinien seuraamiseksi. Kun olet valmis murtamaan hiki, sinun on vain kerrottava Alexa käynnistämään ohjelma: "Alexa, aloita seitsemän minuutin harjoittelu" tai"Alexa, aloita harjoittelu."

Alexa Skills -tietokannasta löytyy myös useita muita liikuntaohjelmia, joten kokeile muutamia ja löydä tarpeitasi parhaiten vastaavat.

11. Seuraa helposti matkapuhelintasi

A person's hand reaching for a smartphone under the bed

Matkapuhelimilla on tapa liukastua tyynyjen välillä, putoaa huonekalujen alle ja piiloutua unohdettuihin paikkoihin. Sen sijaan, että kääntäisit kodin ylösalaisin etsimällä puhelinta, aktivoi löytää puhelintaitoni ja anna Alexan löytää puhelimesi sinulle!

Sinun tarvitsee vain sanoa "Alexa, etsi puhelimeni" Ja puhelimesi saa puhelun, joka aloittaa soittoäänen, jotta löydät sen.

12. Varoittanut rakastettu, kun tarvitset apua

Woman on the ground in the bathroom with her hand resting on the toilet

Aina on viisasta tapa kutsua apua, jos tarve on koskaan syntynyt. Tekstin lähettäminen tai puhelun soittaminen on hienoa tähän, mutta puhelimesi ei välttämättä ole aina käytettävissä tarvittaessa. Joskus paras vaihtoehto voi olla soittaa ääneen.

Pyydä kaverini taitojaan, anna sinun kertoa Alexalle ottamaan yhteyttä rakkaansa. Kun olet ottanut ASK -kaverini taitoni, sinun on vain annettava yhteystietojesi puhelinnumerot ja olet kaikki asetettu. Jos ja milloin tarvitset apua, sano "Alexa, pyydä kaveriani lähettämään apua" Ja yhteystietosi saavat hälytyksiä.

Huomaa: Kysy kaverini, joka ei korvaa 9-1-1. Todellisen hätätilanteen tapauksessa ota yhteyttä heti 9-1-1.

13. Hallitse matkapuhelinta äänikomennoilla

Woman holding her mobile phone

Jos haluaisit, että sinun ei tarvitse avata matkapuhelintasi ja pilkata näytölle joka kerta, kun haluat soittaa tai lähettää tekstin, rakastat Alexaa käyttämään matkapuhelinta äänikomennoilla.

Ainoa mitä sinun tarvitsee tehdä, on ottaa päämiehen taito, ja riittävän pian, että tilaat Alexan soittamaan puheluita ("Alexa, pyydä päämiehiä soittamaan puhelu") ja lähetä tekstit ("Alexa, pyydä päämiehiä lähettämään viestiä").

14. Luo talosi sisäpuhelinjärjestelmä

White Amazon Echo on a wooden table in a living room

Lopeta huutaminen talon yli kommunikoidaksesi ja käyttääksesi Echo -ilmoituksia sisäpuhelimen sijaan. Aseta kaiku -laitteet kotisi ympäri, jotta sinulla on aina kaiku kuulokkeessa.

Kun yrität tavoittaa jonkun toisessa kodin osassa, sano vain "Alexa, ilmoita, että illallinen on valmis" Ja ilmoitus lähetetään jokaisessa kodin Echo -laitteessa.

15. Hanki päivittäinen annos rohkaisua

Older couple relaxing at home

Haluatko varmasti tavan herätä sängyn oikealla puolella? Entä pieni rohkaisu saada mielialaa positiiviselle radalle aamulla?

Ota päivittäiset aamuvakuutukset Echo -laitteesi ja Alexa jakaa rohkaisun sanan. Sanoa "Alexa, avoin päivittäinen aamuvahvistukset" Ja tee valintasi sieltä. Aloita päiväsi oikein!

16. Ota hetki rentoutua

Senior woman meditating in her living room

Lepo on tärkeä osa terveellistä elämää, ja ajan varata aikaa joka päivä hiljaiseen pohdintaan on hieno tapa pitää tauko elämän kiireisyydestä.

Activate the Peaceful Meditation skill for your Echo device and say “Alexa, open Peaceful Meditation” to enjoy a moment of relaxation.

17. Safely Find Your Way at Night

White Amazon Echo with Alexa light activated

Nighttime trips to the bathroom can become a dangerous proposition without some light to safely illuminate a clear walking path. Rather than fumbling around in the dark for a light switch or a flashlight, use your Echo device as a night light.

Enable the Night Light skill in your Amazon Alexa account to create a night light out of your Echo devices.

Sanoa “Alexa, open Night Light” and the light on top of your Echo device will illuminate. Ja sano “Alexa, stop” to turn the light back off.

18. Voice Control Other Devices at Home

Robotic vacuum cleaner on wood parquet floor

As technology has advanced so has the ability to create a Smart Home through interconnected devices and automation. Amazon Echo and Alexa act as the engine that allows you to control household devices with simple voice commands.

Here are some Smart Home tasks you can do with Alexa and compatible home devices:

  • Run the vacuum with Roomba
  • Control lights and change their color with Philips Hue bulbs
  • Power your air purifier on and off with Dyson Pure Cool Link WiFi-Enabled Air Purifier
  • Operate your television with the Amazon Fire TV Stick
  • Adjust the temperature with the Nest Learning Thermostat
  • Control your home security system with ProtectAmercia

19. Shop Online

Amazon package delivered to a costumer

Do all your shopping without having to lift a finger. With an Amazon Prime membership, you just have to say “Alexa, order paper towels” and you’ll have your order in two days.

20. Get Driving Directions

Senior couple driving with the wife giving directions to the husband

If you want to hear the current best route for a particular destination or need a quick update on the drive time, then use Alexa’s I’m Driving skill to help your car trip go a little smoother.

The I’m Driving skill lets you program up to five of your most traveled to destinations into the application so that you can always get the best directions to those locations simply by saying “Alexa, tell I’m driving to home” tai “Alexa, tell I’m driving to the doctor.”

Kysyä “Alexa, what are my destinations?” to hear what locations are currently on file; sanoa “Alexa, update destinations” to make a change.

21. Tell Your Car to Start

Car tailight

Get a jump on thawing the ice off the car or getting the air conditioning running and ask Alexa to start your car for you.

If your car includes a remote start feature, then you can add your brand’s connected car skill to your Echo device and get the engine going with just a simple command: “Alexa, ask Lexus to start my car.”

Even More Benefits of Alexa for Seniors!

Close-up of white Amazon Echo speaker

There are thousands of skills that Alexa can do, and more skills are added all the time. Explore more of Alexa’s skills here


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