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Inclusive Technologies

Neomano Grasp Assist Glove



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  • Inclusive Homebase - N Fort Myers Florida

    2145 Cape Way, 33917, North Fort Myers, アメリカ合衆国



  • 障害者によって設計されています
  • 100%の満足
  • 最低のコスト配送

ネオマノは、脊髄損傷(SCI)、脳卒中、ルーゲーリグ病(ALS)、多極硬化症、脳性麻痺、神経損傷など、さまざまな理由で手握りの強さを欠く人々を支援するように設計されたウェアラブルでソフトロボットハンドです。 。それは、毎日のタスクを自立して実行する手段を彼らに提供し、有効にし、力を与えます。

Neomano I親指、指数、中指に快適にフィットする柔軟な素材で作られています。3本指の革製グローブにより、インデックスと中指は、大きなオブジェクトのC字型グリップと、小さなオブジェクトのピンチグリップを形成できます。親指の背面にあるアルミニウムスプリントは、親指をさまざまな曲げ位置に安全に固定します。人差し指の背面にあるネオプレン支援ストラップは、硬い指に苦しむ患者が手の位置をよりよく維持するのを助けるために緊張を調整します。滑り止めシリコンコーティング(手のひら、親指、インデックス、および中指)は、偶発的な滑りを防ぎ、より硬いグリップを許可します。触覚感覚入力は、手の露出した部分から受け取られます。

Bluetoothリモートコントローラーを介して動作するモーターは、プーリーを制御し、「アクティブグラス」を実行することによりグリップ強度を変化させます。コントローラーの「グリップ」ボタンは、指を曲げて握りしめたジェスチャーを作り、グリップを締めます。 「リリース」ボタンは指を緩めてグリップをリラックスさせ、手を中立位置に戻します。モーターは、メイングローブに取り付けられたプラスチックドックに出入りするプラスチック製のハウジングにあります。したがって、グローブは、モーターが取り付けられていない場合となしで使用可能です。

この強力なウェアラブルロボットグローブが勝ちましたRed Dot Awards 2019.


  • 素材:革、ベルクロ、滑り止め布
  • ワイヤー材料:合成糸
  • 保有電力:最大4.4ポンド(2 kg)
  • ストラップ材料:ネオプレン
  • 親指のスプリント材料:アルミニウム 
  • 電圧:3.6V
  • 電源:3 AAセル
  • サイズ:2 "x 3.74" x 1.3 "(51 x 95 x 33 mm)
  • 重量:バッテリーのない3オンス(65g) 
  • 電源:2 AAAセル(最大150日間のバッテリー寿命)
  • サイズ:1.24 "x 3.93" x 1.02 "(31.5 x 100 x 26 mm)
  • 重量:バッテリーのない1.4オンス(39g)

Neomano Hand Sizeチャート


  • あなたのサイズを見つけるために:上記のように、手首の線から中指の先端まで測定してください。製品サイズはネオマーノの適切な機能に非常に重要であるため、正しく測定してください。






Neomanoは、Neofectによって作成されたウェアラブルでソフトロボットの手で、手麻痺のある人々が毎日の活動を行うことを可能にし、力を与えます。他の指と手の一部を発見しながら、親指、指数、および中指に適合します。ネオマーノの使用により、手麻痺のある人は、水を抱きしめたり飲んだり、歯を磨いたり、ドアノブを回してドアを開けたりするなど、毎日の活動を行うために指を動かす能力を持っています。これは、グリップを維持するためにアクティブな把握を提供し、それに続いてパッシブリリースを提供することでこれを行います。 Neomanoは、人々が日常のタスクを実行することに独立と自信を得るのを助けます。



The Neomano is helpful for people with movement in their wrist and arm but little to no strength in their hands. This includes people who suffer from hand paralysis due to spinal cord injury (SCI), stroke, Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and nerve injury. The glove actively assists in closing the index and middle fingers, but does not assist in opening the fingers. The thumb piece is an adjustable metal stay that can be positioned differently depending on the type of object being grasped, but is not robotic. Please note that the range of product use may differ by the diagnosis and individual hand function.もっと詳しく知る。


How does Neomano affect your life?

  • Users can grasp a knife and exert force onto the utensil to cut food, such as fruits.
  • Users can grasp a fork to pick up food and have a meal.
  • Users can grasp a spoon to lift food and have a meal.
  • If the wrist functions properly, Users can grasp a water bottle to pour water into a cup. Users can hold a cup to drink water.

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  • Users can hold a bottle and open the lid.

  • Users can grasp a pen to write texts or a signature.

  • Users can hold a cup and feed a dog.

  • Users can hold a golf club to putt a golf ball.

  • Users can hold a smart phone and take photos.

  • Users can grasp a medicine bottle and open a cap.

  • Users can grasp a leash and take a dog for a walk.

Other Activities that Users Can Do with Neomano!

  • Users can hold a toothbrush to brush their teeth.
  • Users can hold a razor to shave.
  • Users can hold a makeup brush to apply cosmetics.
  • Users can hold a hair comb to brush their hair.
  • Users can grab a brush to paint a picture.
  • Users can read a book as they flip the pages.
  • Users can hold a cellphone to make a phone call.

Expert Testimonials


Ulisses Jara-Manual, Rachel’s Therapist

"When I first saw the Neomano device, I just immediately thought it would be helpful for somebody like Rachel. My hope with the glove is that she is going to eventually gain a whole lot more dexterity. Being able to pick up things with more ease is gonna be really significant. So now with this Neomano device, she can do more detailed stuff with her hands."



Kenneth Noto, Mark’s Therapist.

"This (Neomano) will help him and enable him to hold onto things and let go without him using that voluntary contraction that has become weak. That's really an aid to his disability."



Lauren Sheehan, Occupational Therapist

"It's been interesting because it's so individualized. We can't guess at what the patients would potentially be able to use the tool for. From very simple activities in daily living like eating, taking a top off of a container that they use, golfing, and using it for exercise. You know the activities that are fun. Again, we're bringing it to their lives."


Why Neomano?  


* New design Neomano will be delivery which is different with the photo. Please check the 'Neomano Full Package'.


First, Neomano allows people to do a variety of everyday tasks with a single device. 

Daily tasks can be difficult for people that don't have full functionality from their hand, which is why many rely on assistive devices or caregivers. Neomano allows people to return to their daily-living activities and hobbies.


Second, with the wide-array of functional uses, Neomano boosts confidence.

The grasp pattern provides the independence needed to perform tasks single-handedly, allowing people to move forward with their lives.


Third, the Neomano design is comfortable enough
to be worn in multiple types of situations.

The partial glove design allows tactile sensory input to part of the palm and exposed fingers, and the leather allows for flexibility needed for everyday tasks. Neomano can be used by people both in the comfort of their own homes and in public.




The Red Dot Design Award is the world’s largest design competition.
The Red Dot : Best of the Best is awarded for groundbreaking design and is the top prize.



In the PRESS




    Neomano Components



    • Three fingers + アルミニウム splint on the thumb to enable different degrees of gripping strength.
      With the aluminum splint on the thumb, the position of the thumb can be easily manipulated. The index and middle finger can also be adjusted to form a C-shaped grip for larger objects, and a pinch grip for smaller objects. The motor allows the fingers to bend and provide various degrees of gripping strength, along with passive release.


    • Index finger assistive strap helps prevent ankylosis (stiffening). 
      The glove is equipped with an assistive strap, made of neoprene fabric, on the back of the index finger to adjust the degree of tension. This helps people who suffer from finger stiffening maintain a better hand position for functional use.

    • Anti-slip silicone coating on the palm + fingers.The silicone coat on the palm and fingers helps provide a firmer grip on objects and prevents slipping.
    • Partial glove design.The exposed fingers and palm were designed to provide tactile sensory input.



    • Actuation of the motor and pulley. 
      The Bluetooth wireless remote control (not pictured) enables the grip and release of the Neomano, powered by 3 AAA batteries that hook into the glove via the motor. When activated, the Grip button flexes the fingers to provide a gripping gesture. The Release button loosens the wires, allowing the hand to return to its original neutral position. The wire is highly elastic, which helps maintain wire integrity despite repetitive winding and loosening.
    • Magnets make motor attachment and detachment simple.
      When the glove is not being used and powered by the motor, the motor can easily be detached by carefully pulling it away from the magnets on the glove. This allows people to easily transition from active to passive use of the glove.
    •  source for pairing with Bluetooth remote control.
      The power source has a button. The button will pair the Bluetooth remote control to the motor for wireless control of the glove.





    * New design Neomano will be delivery which is different with the photo. Please check the 'Neomano Full Package'.

    • Wireless bluetooth remote control directs movement of the glove。 The Grip button will activate the wires within the glove to begin to wind and will create a tighter grip the longer its held down. The Release button loosens the wires, which allows the hand to return to it's original neutral position.



    • Arm bands to secure power supply to グローブ.Two arm bands help to securely and comfortably attach the power supply to the glove. The extra arm band can be used to secure the Bluetooth remote control, if desired.


    Tech Specification

    **Note: The tech spec and design can be changed in the future while developing the product. Please note this.





