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Articles for Wheelchair Users and their families with a specific focus on quadriplegics. Assistive Technologies, advocacy, adaptive video gaming, emergency evacuation, environmental controls, home modifications, voice control, Home Care beds, wheelchairs, interviews with successful quadriplegics
  • History of Adaptive Game Controllers for the Disabled

    History of Adaptive Game Controllers for the Disabled

    the Ultimate Arcade 2, Versatility, and Headmaster have raised the bar for inclusivity in the gaming industry. These controllers show off the amazing advancements in adaptive gaming, guaranteeing that all players may enjoy the world of games regardless of their physical capabilities...
  • Hori Flex Adaptive Controller Settings App Download

    Hori Flex Adaptive Controller Settings App Download

    By using the dedicated Hori Flex Controller Settings App, the assigned button functions of the switch and joystick settings can be changed. Assigned settings can be saved as a profile. Up to 12 profiles can be saved, six for the Nintendo Switch and six for Windows PC. 
  • Starting a Business: Medicare & Medicaid Guide for Disabilities

    Starting a Business: Medicare & Medicaid Guide for Disabilities

    People with disabilities can get the tools they need to get the job they want through these programs, which are very important. People can get good advice from these groups, and they can also help them find work and learn new skills. People who help people get back to work can give you the help and skills you need to start your own business...
  • Control Tablet on Robo arm mount with mouth stick

    Touch Input Mouthstick Stylus For iPad, Android, or Windows Tablets on Robo Arm Mount

    Work, create or navigate quickly and efficiently with these premium multi-function capacitive touchscreen mouth sticks.

    We are SOLD OUT and are no longer stocking mouthsticks.  However, I know they are important for some of our clients to use with our Robo Arm Mount and other mounts. So I am providing links where you can find  and order a few different unique ones. - Mark

  • Choosing the Right Adult Carrier: Key Considerations

    Välja rätt vuxenbärare: Nyckelöverväganden

    At Inclusive Inc., we strive to find the ideal adult carrier for every individual. Our "Comfort Carrier" is made to be safe, comfortable, and easy to use—suitable for many, including those with quadriplegia. We designed it with great care to ensure it's not just safe and simple to use, but also gives a warm and secure experience...
  • What is a Qualified Disability Trust and Tax Requirements

    Vad är ett kvalificerat funktionsförtroende och skattekrav

    Qualified disability trusts are entitled to the same exemption allowed to all individual taxpayers when filing a tax return. In 2012, for instance, the personal tax exemption was $3,800, so the first $3,800 of income from QDisTs wasn’t taxed.2 However, the deduction for personal exemptions...
  • Vitaglide Preferred over Ergometers by Participants of Miami Project to Cure Paralysis says Dr Nash

    Vitaglide föredrog framför ergometrar av deltagare i Miami Project för att bota förlamning säger Dr Nash

    Den nyligen uppgraderade och tekniskt avancerade vitagliden fungerar bättre som ett träningsläge efter SCI/D för att tillgodose de komplexa behoven i konditionering av övre extremiteter utan faror som åläggs av standardarm ergometri. -Dr. Mark S. Nash är associerad vetenskaplig chef för forskning, Miami Project för att bota förlamning, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
  • Disabled Employees – Are You Compliant?

    Handikappanställda - Är du kompatibel?

    The RRO states that it is the responsibility of the person(s) who are responsible for the building to provide a fire safety risk assessment. The Fire Risk Assessment must include an emergency evacuation plan for all people likely to be in the premises, including disabled people, and detail how that plan will be implemented...
  • Spice up your sex life: top toys and positions for disabled people

    Krydda ditt sexliv: Toppleksaker och positioner för funktionshindrade

    Oavsett din funktionshinder bör du kunna njuta av sex och nöje. Det är därför funktionshorisonter bad Sex Toy -webbplatsen att lyfta fram de bästa sexiga scenarierna, leksakerna och positionerna för att säkerställa att du kan få ett fantastiskt sexliv.
  • Beginner How to Aluminum AC TIG Weld Video Series with Primeweld TIG225 AC/DC - Start Here

    Nybörjare Hur man aluminium AC TIG WELD -videoserie med primeweld TIG225 AC/DC - Börja här

    Are you prepared to explore the world of AC TIG welding aluminum? For novices, our video series with the Primeweld TIG225 AC/DC is an ideal place to start. Discover the fundamentals, glean professional advice, and watch detailed tutorials to become an aluminum welding expert from the bottom up.
  • Wheelchair Onboard: Journey with Comfort

    Rullstol ombord: Resa med komfort

    The aviation industry, recognizing the importance of inclusivity, has made significant strides in accommodating the needs of passengers with disabilities, power wheelchair users included. The key to a successful and comfortable journey lies in meticulous planning, open communication, and the utilization of innovative solutions...
  • Managing SCI Male Fertility: Solutions with Ferticare

    Hantera SCI manlig fertilitet: lösningar med gödsel

    The correlation between spinal cord injury and male fertility is intricate. The injury can interfere with the transmission pathways between the brain and the reproductive system, potentially resulting in difficulties in attaining ejaculation. A spinal cord injury can affect the ability to ejaculate through changes in nerve signals...
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Providers of Wheelchair Travel Adventures

Profiles of Partners and Organizations mapped above providing Adventurous Wheelchair Accessible Experiences, Travel Destinations, & Unique Stays. Marine = sail, power, paddling, scuba, snorkeling, or fishing. Aviation = flying, powered paragliding, skydiving. Unique Stays must offer more than a bed and shower.

Google Search Link List of Providers of Wheelchair Travel Adventures - to be added - Please Add Suggestions!

Use form at bottom to add a profile of a Provider, Destination, or Unique Stay to the Map. Sponsor a detailed Profile page and support this program.

  • Wheelchair Accessible Miami Attractions and Beaches

    Wheelchair Accessible Miami Attractions and Beaches

    Among Miami's most well-known attractions are its beaches, many of which are getting easier for wheelchair users to reach. Nearly everywhere you go in Greater Miami & Miami Beach, a gorgeous stretch of sand....
  • Wheelchair Accessible Trails

    Wheelchair Accessible Trails

    I have found this list of wheelchair accessible trails. The challenge is finding all of this information in one spot and seeing it on a map in a graphical way in the places you might want to visit. This is why we developed our Google map of  travel destinations,  service providers, and unique stays specifically of interest to wheelchair users....
  • Shake-a-Leg Miami

    Shake-a-Leg Miami

    Shake-a-Leg Miami is a charity organization based in Coconut Grove, Florida, that uses water activities to empower and liberate at-risk adolescents and people with disabilities. Shake-a-Leg Miami has been giving people of all abilities the chance to enjoy sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and other activities since 1990. ...
  • Oregon Coast charter boat captain uses sea as his salvation after paralyzing crash

    Oregon Coast Charter Boat Captain använder Sea som sin frälsning efter förlamande krasch

    Efter en motorcykelolycka lämnat Tyler Turner förlamad har han arbetat flitigt för att förfölja sin dröm om att vara kapten för ett fartyg
  • Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating Opens its New Adaptive Boating Center

    Chesapeake -regionen Tillgänglig båtliv öppnar sitt nya adaptiva båtcenter

    On the waterfront, the organization has built 8-foot-wide docks to make it possible for two wheelchairs to pass each other easily. All boats are docked beam-to, and the 325 linear feet of dock are elevated to make it possible for guests to board via a downward sloping ramp..
  • Everglades National Park - Accessible Activities

    Tillgängliga aktiviteter i Everglades National Park

    Everglades National Park, the largest subtropical wetland ecosystem in North America, offers amazing outdoor adventures within an hour’s drive of Downtown Miami. It’s largely a wilderness, but it offers accessible facilities, services and programs to ensure that everyone can experience its wonders...
  • Accessible Adventures in Biscayne National Park

    Tillgängliga äventyr i Biscayne National Park

    The park’s Dante Fascell Visitor Center in Homestead is fully accessible and has both ramp and elevator access. The visitor center’s theater has wheelchair seating and can provide headphones for audio enhancement. Visitor center exhibits are in English and Spanish, and closed-captioned audiovisual programs are offered in both languages...
  • Islamorada Charter Boat Operator makes Boating Accessible to the Disabled

    Islamorada charterbåtoperatör gör båtliv tillgängligt för funktionshindrade

    The charters have been life-changing for customers with limited mobility and a godsend for their caregivers. “For me, almost every trip is tear-filled at the end of each trip,” said Ostebo of the emotional feeling he gets from watching disabled charter guests enjoying everything Florida Bay has to offer..
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Wheelchair Adventure Vehicles

Profiles of unique Boats, Yachts, Airplanes, Powered Paragliders, Motorcycles, RV's, Trucks, Vans, Off-road Wheelchairs, and more specifically designed for an owner or operator who uses a wheelchair. Interviews with their Wheelchair using Designers and Owners, Yacht Captains, Pilots, Race Car Drivers, and those whom they have inspired.

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Exceptional Quadriplegics

Profiles of exemplary disabled role models who have made a profound impact serving their communities, most are empowered users of our assistive technology tools. Links to the products they like and use.

Our clients and participants are dynamic people who don't let life pass them by sitting down!  [Pun definitely intended.]  They have a powerful impact and make a big difference in their communities.  It is our privilege to share their stories with
you!   Share your story & links with us

Are you a Quad? Challenge us. We will empower you to change your world!
What we Do - Mission | How we do It | Why Quadriplegics - Beliefs

Who We Serve

Most Inclusive Inc clients utilize power wheelchairs while struggling to use tools with buttons, levers, knobs, and handles in a world designed for humans: two dexterous hands with 10 fingers. A quadriplegic's opportunities for travel, communications, recreation, education, and employment are severely limited simply due to products and services being designed for typical humans with two hands, 10 fingers, who can walk.  This problem is easily solved: products and services designed for the needs of their users: quadriplegics. The challenge is volume for a niche market size.

"Quadriplegics" includes all those with limited use of fingers, hands, or arms caused by: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) tetraplegia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS, some brain injuries, lime's disease, and bilateral amputees. Our solutions can also greatly improve the lives of many others: paraplegics, stroke, brain injury, spina bifida, cancer, and the elderly.

  • Dinesh Palipana

    Dinesh Palipana

    2010 saw a significant transformation in Dinesh's life. Due to severe spinal cord damage he had in an automobile accident, he was left quadriplegic. Dinesh encountered several difficulties as a result of this abrupt transition, but his passion and resolve never wavered...

  • Teddy Pendergrass

    Teddy Pendergrass

    Pendergrass faced several challenges following his accident, but he didn't let them deter him. He made advantage of his background to bring attention to the issues faced by those who suffer from spinal cord injuries and impairments. His lobbying efforts enhanced accessibility and provided assistance to individuals facing comparable circumstances...

  • Craig Hart Neilsen

    Craig Hart Neilsen

    Craig H. Neilsen passed away in 2006, yet his legacy lives on and inspires others. The field of spinal cord injury advocacy and research has revolutionized because to funding provided by his foundation totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Neilsen has enabled many people to live richer, more independent lives via his work...
  • Brooke Ellison - Author, Professor, Disability Rights Advocate

    Brooke Ellison - Author, Professor, Disability Rights Advocate

    One of the first quadriplegic Harvard graduates, she became an author, professor and powerful voice for disabled people

  • Pat Rummerfield

    Pat Rummerfield

    Due to his involvement in a high-speed car accident in 1974, Pat Rummerfield's life took an abrupt change. Due to the accident, he was diagnosed as a C-4 quadriplegic, which is characterized by significant spinal cord injury and usually leads in permanent paralysis along the neck..
  • Christopher Reeve

    Christopher Reeve

    In 1995, Reeve’s life took a dramatic turn when he was paralyzed from the neck down after a horse-riding accident. Despite this setback, he became a leading advocate for spinal cord injury research and disability rights. Reeve worked tirelessly to raise awareness and fund research...
  • Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking, born on the eighth of January 1942, in the British city of Oxford, has become one of the world's most recognized physicists. At 21, he developed with an illness that would eventually disable him. Despite this, he continued his work in understanding the universe...
  • Mark Felling: Pioneer, Supporter, and Superb Leader

    Mark Felling: Pioneer, Supporter, and Superb Leader

    Because of Mark's engineering expertise, a number of assistive devices that empower people with impairments have been developed. Mark has produced items through his business, Inclusive Inc., that have completely changed the way individuals with impairments interact with the outside world...
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