[message]SCI - Spinal Cord Injury - C5 Quadriplegia

What is C5 Quadriplegia?
Damage to the spinal cord at the C5 vertebra affects the vocal cords, biceps, and deltoid muscles in the upper arms. Unlike some of the higher cervical injuries, a patient with a C5 spinal cord injury will likely be able to breath and speak on their own. Learn More
Typical Abilities of persons with C5 Quadriplegia:
With an injury to this vertebrae, there is typically full neck and head movement usually with some muscle strength as well as good shoulder control. Floppy wrists are evident and generally can touch the chin. This injury makes for a good PowerGrip candidate and Passive wrist splints. This patient might be able to use a manual wheelchair, but it would be greatly improved using power assist wheels.
Typical Disabilities:
A person with C5 Quadriplegia will experience paralysis of the arms and legs, with varying degrees of elbow movement. They will need assistance with daily living, but may have some independent function.
Resources: Nations Law Links | Spinal Cord Injury Support Groups | Spinal Cord Resource Center
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