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Advocacy Initiative: Economic Community Participation must be open to All

Restrictions and disincentives to economic participation on Persons with Disabilities, the Elderly, Legal Immigrants, and working persons receiving rent assistance or welfare* are counterproductive and perpetuate dependency.


That's Great, but How can a disabled person improve their situation NOW?

    Are you receiving SSI? Would you work if you could keep 100% of your SSI payment to continue to live on, and 100% of what you earned went towards:

    Are you receiving SSDI? You could be eligible to receive an additional $794/mo if you save 100% of your SSDI payment towards things that would help you work:

    New car, new computer and adaptive controls, new phone, wheelchair desk, assistive technologies, environmental controls, deposit on a new apartment or condo, or whatever you need to start your own business?

    PASS is for you! (Plan to Achieve Self-Support )

    There is NO penalty if your plan is not successful.

    Photo Album with Voice Recordings
    Advocacy Initiative: Uphold Fundamental Constitutional Right to Freedom of Movement for All

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