Question: Adapt Buttons of a Digital Photo Album with Voice Recordings
I am looking for any recommendations you may have on a recordable picture device similar to the picture below or a way to adapt the buttons so that they are easier to use. I have a student who likes hearing and using this recordable photo album but struggles with the push and small button feature that it has (it requires adult support for them to push the button). I know there are great minds out there to help me. :)
Christy Zubke
ASD Consultant
Bemidji Regional Interdistrict Council (BRIC)
Yes it is possible to do some electrical engineering and solder ability switch Jacks to the buttons to essentially switch enable the digital photo frame. But in reality the cost for this custom one-time electrical engineering work would not make sense. So let's think about the problem from a different angle.
Can the student use the computer? Does the student need a way to be able to use a computer, iPad, or Android Tablet or smartphone? Below are two solutions, one for very slight fingertip movement and one with mouth only.
In this way they could choose the photos themselves, then record their own voice, and share it with family and friends. Here are two free ideas I quickly found and free YouTube editor or iMovie also work.
How to do a Voiceover on a Slide Show on your phone or ipad
Video how to add Voice Over in Google Slides - its free.
For individuals such as spinal muscular atrophy SMA or muscular dystrophy with slight, week fingertip movement this 1"x1.3" Frameless Micro USB Touchpad Mouse can be positioned anywhere such as wheelchair armrest and is very effective.
If they don't have use of their fingers, this Quadmouse from Inclusive Technologies works on all of them and is a very simple and intuitive head mouse controller. No software drivers just plug it in. Watch the video of the three-year-old playing Legos which demonstrates one of the most difficult tasks of dragging and dropping within minutes of starting. His head is restricted from any movement strapped to the headrest of the wheelchair which shows it just as effectively works lying in bed with users head on a pillow. And he is playing within minutes.
Mark Felling
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